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Rutilated Quartz 6mm Round Bead Bracelet


All Chakras : All Birthsigns : Protection : Strength


Rutilated Quartz promotes spiritual growth and balances the aura. It helps to clear negative energy and dis-ease, and provides protection against the ill-thoughts of others and their negativity. Rutilated Quartz also promotes forgiveness at all levels. It assists in reaching the root cause of troubles and supports transition. It is believed to soothe dark moods, relieve fears, phobias and anxiety. Rutilated Quartz is known to absorbs mercury poisoning from nerves, muscles, blood and the intestinal tract, alleviate respiratory tract conditions, balances the thyroid and stimulates cell regeneration. It is also helpful for impotence and infertility and generally increasing energy levels.

Rutilated Quartz 6mm Round Bead Bracelet

20 Grams
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