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Hematite 6mm round bead bracelet (19cm). 


Base Chakra : Aries, Aquarius: Grounding : Protection


Hematite is a crystal for the mind, aiding concentration and focus, and improving the memory. Although not naturally magnetic, it does utilise the magnetic qualities of our yin and yang, to balance the meridians. It also helps bring balance to between the mind, body and spirit. Hematite is known to dissolve negatitity and protect you from the negativity of others. It boosts self-esteem and confidence, and is believed to help overcome compulsions, addictions and anxiety. Hematite is known to regulates the blood supply, supports the kidneys and regenerate tissue.  It may also aid in the absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells.  

Hematite 6mm Round Bead Bracelet

20 Grams
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